Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Date: August 09, 2010
Area: Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua
Companion: Elder Velásquez

Regarding the Miskito: This week has been a great trial for me, as I have been trying to learn but Satan keeps making me feel as if I cannot do it (as well as putting obstacles in my way so that it becomes challenging). I have wanted to learn it so badly and feel as if it is very important for me to learn, not just because I might have the opportunity of opening TONS of areas here on the coast if I do learn, but rather I want to learn so that I can help the people understand the gospel of Jesus Christ and become truly converted. Also, who am I to deny these people the right to have prophecies in Alma 29:8 and D&C 90:11? I want to help fulfill that prophecy and help the people, but only if it is the will of the father. Anyway, maybe when I get back I'll be trilingual! ;)

My investigators are so humble and are trying to change their lives, it motivates me to work so much harder. This week my comp and I contacted into a witch. The people here on the Caribbean have strong beliefs regarding witchcraft. It just so happens that a lot of it here is dark, dark stuff. She wants to change her life around, she wants to get baptized; however this is serious stuff and especially serious when a church gets involved. We talked to my mission president about baptizing her, and we can do it so long as she doesn't do it EVER again. I'm stoked because it'll be great when we baptize that family.

Well, my transfers/changes are next week and I'm kinda trainer's leaving me and something big is happening in my zone, and apparently it involves me. Buchica. Oh well, whatever happens needs to happen. I've realized lately that in my life I tend to depend so much on my own strength, intelligence, etc. and that now I need to turn everything over to the Lord. Everything seems so much easier when someone helps you, especially someone who knows and understands exactly how you feel. I really think that faith is one of my struggles, for I am a person that acts and wants immediate action as well. In that regard I'm very impatient: I like things to get done when I want them done. The Spirit has been guiding me to do things and say things that I know I never would be able to do/say/know without it, so I have determined that I just need to be more patient, trust in the Lord in all I do, and let the Spirit guide me. Also, when I was reading my Patriarchal Blessing I realized that some of the things that I was told that used to make me nervous only make me feel more comfortable now and make me realize that everything happens for a reason.

Baptisms: We are still struggling with our numbers, but that doesn't bug me as much as how many true converts we have. I believe that we have a number of strong converts that we have baptized, but the mission office requires more. I just need to work harder and give my all. I love having the opportunity to baptize people and enter the waters of baptism with others.

I love to work, I love working hard and I give my all when I set my mind on doing something. Remember that I am a man of my word and that I have given my word to serve these two years. I am so happy when I help the people here, and when they let me help them wash their clothes by hand (mom, I'm gonna be like a machine when I get back).

Love you all!
Elder Braden D. Bolton

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