Friday, September 26, 2008

Eggs, Existentialism, and Egos...

It's been a while since I posted my last entry. I need to keep better track of my blog (and reading all my friend's blogs).

I really like fried eggs. Random, I know. Today is my dad's birthday, and my mama's good to him. She made him, my entire family (including a seminary student) breakfast. We had eggs, bacon, home fries (with onions, peppers, and tomatoes), and toast. I love all of them, but mostly eggs. I don't know what it is, but I truly LOVE eggs. They always make me happy and make me remember the olden days (in my family), when we used to have eggs almost every Saturday morning. Now I'm lucky if I eat eggs once a month. Sure, they work their way into recipes and such, but nothing is as good as a plain-ol' fried egg. Mmmmmmm.

In my AP Lit class we've been doing a unit on Existentialism. My mom's not happy, mainly because I have become slightly indifferent about certain things now, and I kinda just do what I want to do when I fell like it. My teacher laughed when I told him the subtle changes I've started to notice since beginning The Stranger. He wonders if it's possible to have an Existentialistic Mormon (Mormonism and Existentialism...hmmm). Anyway, the book I've been reading, The Stranger, is a great book. I recommend it to anyone who wishes to step out of their comfort zone and take on this challenging story. There are a few (mainly only three) parts I edited for myself, and if you want to read it I would ask you to ask me which parts you'll need to skip.

I'm not egotistical, but I do sometimes seem very narcissistic. I like how I look, generally, I like my cute dimple (yes singular, I only really have one), I like my eyes, I like my laugh, and I like to smile. I do not like my smile right now (due to the metal in the mouth), but I do enjoy making others happy by smiling. All this was brought on by my choir practice on Wednesday. The male voices (comprised of the Tenors, Basses, and Baritones) went to do a sectional under the direction of our student section leaders. There are two section leaders for the three groups, but miraculously one of them took charge, again, unfortunately. He made many errors throughout the entire rehearsal but there are four main things that infuriated me:
1.) He yelled at ME! Someone asked me a question, and I said THREE words. There was a room full of people and he singled me out.
2.) he mocked me for being in the wrong spot. I am currently trading between two parts in choir, I'm switching between 1st Tenor and Baritone. That is not easy in and of itself, not to mention that I also have to remember with which section I need to be during each piece. I forgot that I was supposed to trade sections, so he told me that I need to not be so forgetful and just move because I was making him mess up his notes.
3.) He took charge. There are two section leaders, and he should have shared the power.
4.) He was toying with the tempo. That's the conductor's business. Not to mention, he took it very slow the first ten times we sang through the piece, then he sped the tempo up too much. He was confusing everyone in the room.
If I weren't a Senior with eight years of choir experience under my large belt, I would love to just quit. But I only have months left, so I'm not going to lose sleep over it.

I had my Senior pictures taken yesterday. I absolutely LOVED Hilton Photography Studios. My sister had her pictures done there, so my mom and I decided to go there again. The photographers were great, and I loved the flexibility that they gave me with the styles, etc. I highly recommend, to anyone living in MA to consider letting Hilton photograph their children. It was a great studio. Maybe my experience would've been different if I didn't have a very attractive young woman taking my pictures. But, anyway, I loved the whole experience, and I'm sure I will share pictures (after I pick which ones I want) with y'all.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

School, Science, Split...BOOM!

So my life is like a giant pot of pasta right now. Everything was starting to become great and rather comfortable in my life when everything was stirred and churned.
School has started. Fun, NOT! I enjoy all of my classes and most of them are very interesting. I'm currently taking AP Literature, AP Spanish Language, Band, Chorus, P.E., and Chemistry. AP Lit is great class for me because I am able to delve into books to a depth I was not able to do in any previous English class. AP Spanish is just fun, sometimes. We do a lot of skits, we read a lot of stories, and we get to learn Spanish in a fun environment. Band and Chorus are interesting (like always), and they allow me to learn and grow in many different ways. Update!!! I'm now 4th chair (out of 7) and that's great because last year I was 7th out of 8 (also I forgot to practice for my audition so I could have been 3rd if I'd only practiced). Now Chemistry. I am the only Senior in my chem class, mainly because my old guidance counselor told me to take whatever science I wanted to take my junior year, so I took Anatomy and Physiology instead of Chemistry. My class is awkward because my entire class is filled with weird kids and they NEVER TALK!!! If you really know me, you know that I utter silence (in public places). I like it when classes are engaging and fun, but this one is neither. I am generally the first one to give an answer, whether I'm right or wrong, and so my classmates not only think I'm weird, but most of them believe I am slightly stupid. My teacher understands that I'm actually (I'm not being proud...) one of the smartest kids in the class. I understand all of the material faster than almost all the other students, and I know a fare share about Chemicals and Elements (more than the rest of the class). I'm okay with everyone thinking me a fool, as long as the teacher knows who the real smart kids are...;-]
Now the most recent, and slightly more traumatic change in my life. So, my old Young Men's Presidency was released and a new one was called, it was great, but I'll miss my old leader. That wasn't the traumatic change; however, my ward being split into two units was. Last Sunday my ward, the Franklin Ward, was split into the "Franklin 1st Ward" and "Franklin 2nd Branch". All of my good friends from my quorum are not in the Ward with me, and most of my leaders and friends are no longer with me either. It's very upsetting being taken away from all those that I've lived, grown, and been accustomed to for the past 10 years. I know that this is what Heavenly Father and Christ want right now, but it is hard to just swallow it and move on.
Now I'm starting to settle in and become used to the sea of change that's around me. I only hope that things won't be too weird in church tomorrow.