Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life, Love, Loss

It seems to me that every time I forget to update my blog it takes me weeks to update not only the posts, but the entire layout. I feel so far behind!
Here's a brief synopsis of how my life has been the past few weeks, and what I've been up to:
1. School-I always get inundated with my schoolwork so that by the end of the day I can be seen covered with papers half asleep in my room working on my essays and assorted homework assignments.
2.Activities-I am in so many clubs and participate in such a variety of activities that sometimes it's hard to keep track of what I'm supposed to do in a day. For example, on Mondays at 7:15 a.m. I have a Debate Club officers meeting in the Library of my school. Tuesdays I have mutual and I tend to get lots and lots of homework that I miraculously finish. Wednesdays I have Marching Band (a headache put to crappy show music). Thursdays I have Barbershop (a group of seven other boys and I get together and rehearse music a capella), then at night I have my Ballroom Dance class with some of my member friends. Fridays I generally have Marching Band commitments (football games). Saturdays I lounge around my house in sweats and sleep/read for a majority of the day. Sunday I get up watch a little bit of the news, take a shower, get dressed, go to church, bring the Sacrament to sick people, then have meetings and activities (SYC).
3.Life-Lately I've noticed how prevalent is. Just two weeks ago a dear friend's mother passed away, a friend of my just lost a greatly expected baby, and a wonderful man from my ward passed. A year ago another dear friend's daughter passed, and another really sick man in my ward passed away. I always new that was just around the corner, but because of all these experiences I've learned to live life the best I can, and live it to the fullest.
4.Spain-My school participates in a foreign exchange program every year, but this year it was different for me. I got so attached to all of the wonderful students that were here visiting from Valladolid, Spain. They thought that life out there was so perfect, so picture-esque, so High School Musical. It was so cute to see all of them so upset that they had to leave the "wonderful" high school with all the amazing things like lockers; they also didn't want to leave all the "huge" homes that they were staying in.
P.S. I've realized that I am so much like my mom that it's quite scary. We can sometimes finish each other's sentences, that is, if we havem't already said what they other was thinking/jsut about to say. It's kind of funny especially when my mom and I are talking to anyone else in our family (excluding Siovhan because she's like my mom too) and they fell as if they've missed something because mom and I just understand eachother. They generally do miss things too! ;-}