Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Life, Love, Loss

It seems to me that every time I forget to update my blog it takes me weeks to update not only the posts, but the entire layout. I feel so far behind!
Here's a brief synopsis of how my life has been the past few weeks, and what I've been up to:
1. School-I always get inundated with my schoolwork so that by the end of the day I can be seen covered with papers half asleep in my room working on my essays and assorted homework assignments.
2.Activities-I am in so many clubs and participate in such a variety of activities that sometimes it's hard to keep track of what I'm supposed to do in a day. For example, on Mondays at 7:15 a.m. I have a Debate Club officers meeting in the Library of my school. Tuesdays I have mutual and I tend to get lots and lots of homework that I miraculously finish. Wednesdays I have Marching Band (a headache put to crappy show music). Thursdays I have Barbershop (a group of seven other boys and I get together and rehearse music a capella), then at night I have my Ballroom Dance class with some of my member friends. Fridays I generally have Marching Band commitments (football games). Saturdays I lounge around my house in sweats and sleep/read for a majority of the day. Sunday I get up watch a little bit of the news, take a shower, get dressed, go to church, bring the Sacrament to sick people, then have meetings and activities (SYC).
3.Life-Lately I've noticed how prevalent is. Just two weeks ago a dear friend's mother passed away, a friend of my just lost a greatly expected baby, and a wonderful man from my ward passed. A year ago another dear friend's daughter passed, and another really sick man in my ward passed away. I always new that was just around the corner, but because of all these experiences I've learned to live life the best I can, and live it to the fullest.
4.Spain-My school participates in a foreign exchange program every year, but this year it was different for me. I got so attached to all of the wonderful students that were here visiting from Valladolid, Spain. They thought that life out there was so perfect, so picture-esque, so High School Musical. It was so cute to see all of them so upset that they had to leave the "wonderful" high school with all the amazing things like lockers; they also didn't want to leave all the "huge" homes that they were staying in.
P.S. I've realized that I am so much like my mom that it's quite scary. We can sometimes finish each other's sentences, that is, if we havem't already said what they other was thinking/jsut about to say. It's kind of funny especially when my mom and I are talking to anyone else in our family (excluding Siovhan because she's like my mom too) and they fell as if they've missed something because mom and I just understand eachother. They generally do miss things too! ;-}


siovhan said...

hello darling. (prevalent is the wrong word in the 3rd graph, btw...more like fragile).

i love when you update because i get to see how your life is going.

your schedule sounds like my high school schedule. i loved it...and then i almost died because i was too stressed.

when does your byu app go in? (the sooner the better. honestly.)

The Howard Bolton Family said...

Life, so they say it like a pancake: you can leave it plain and enjoy it, or you can add butter, syrup, a few berries, whipped cream and savor the flavor. The more you add to the pancake, doesn't mean it will be better, it will just have more competition with all the other flavors--it doesn't mean it will be worse either, it will just have to fight to be tasted.

Take care to enjoy your pancake.

Amy Trauntvein said...

Hey Braden! I just found you! I loved reading your posts, you really have a way with words that not many people in this world (including me) can do. You are so awesome, and good luck with BYU.

Love ya,
Auntie Amy

Myrna said...

You write the way you speak. I love reading your writing because I can hear your voice in the background as I read. I am proud of you. By the way, I nearly killed myself with all the activity my senior year of high school. I loved it but I was so tired I didn't even cry, like my less-busy friends did, when I graduated. Hang in there but don't wear yourself out.

Ah, yes, take time to enjoy your pancake. Your mother had good advice. Listen to her.

Cheri said...

are you seriously applying to college already? i mean, really? i remember you being so excited to turn 14 so you could go to the dances. we were standing in the foxboro building (probably waiting for my husband/your mom) who were in meetings. good luck with your applications. byu (provo) is the best. :) if you get in we'll buy you creamery ice cream.