Sunday, January 25, 2009


Time always seems to escape me, and I always seem to neglect my poor blog! I'm sorry for all of you who act just like I do and get online and check my friend's blogs weekly, for I have not updated in about 2 months. I'll do a quick recap.
I had a lot of schoolwork to do in December, and lots of extra curricular activities. I'm so tired of those! Anyway, Christmas rolled around. It was a particularly tough time because I was missing my elder sister dearly. It was our first winter apart and I could feel my spirits sink a little. I was able to take a well-earned break and play video games and intently read my scriptures daily. Then January came. I got my Eagle Scout Award on my parent's 25th wedding anniversary. I was able to have a six day break from school for being smart! I had better than an 88 and had less than three absences in a majority of my classes so I was able to skip final exams. I got my wisdom teeth taken out and discovered that I would make and AWFUL A.) gie and B.) steroid user. I was given 'roids and high amounts of opioids to ease the pain and lessen the swelling.
Now to my life right now. It involves lots of praying, studying, and waiting. I think that the Lord might want me to learn a lot of patience for future events in my life. I have to wait for everything in my life and it is sheer agony. I have to wait to hear back from BYU Provo, although I did get into my safety, BYU Idaho. I have to wait to go on a mission....biggest. drawback. EVER. I enjoy preaching the gospel and helping others, and myself, come closer to our Father in Heaven. I know that I can take this time and spend it learning my scriptures and more about myself to make me a better missionary, so I'm trying to make the most of it. If anyone really wants to improve their relationship with Christ or Heavenly Father, I suggest taking time to read chapters four and six in Preach My Gospel. They are about recognizing and understanding the Spirit, and developing Christ-like attributes. I can see my life blesses daily from the studying that I do in these sections. All of PMG is wonderful. I am just reading those chapters right now and can see the benefits of doing so...I'm sure the others will help me more in the future.
That's my life right now in a nutshell. Hope you enjoy the update. There will be more in the future (as I am trying to keep a better "record" of my life). -B


Cheri said...

I don't feel bad for you having to "wait" - I didn't hear back from BYU until March 15th of my senior year. Torturous I tell you! :) Hang in there...I hope you get in.

The Howard Bolton Family said...

I didn't get a response until April of my Senior year (I have the letter to prove it).

Cyber-sitter (love that program) blocked your word for A). You might need to edit the blog as no one will know what "gie" means. Sorry--but only kind of.