Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sometimes it's quite interesting the assignments that we're asked to do for some of our classes. Last semester I had to write an essay on the duality of human beings; how sometimes they seem as though they can act one way or believe one set of ideals but at the same time they act another way and have a subset of ideals, an almost secondary set of ideals. I have noticed this a lot more in my life since then. People can say one thing and believe another, act one way and really be quite different. To me, it seems as though these people are living in and "idealistic reality" as my professor stated.

Sometimes it's hard to tell when one person says something and means quite the opposite. It's hard to try and discern when people are being honest and when they're trying not to hurt you or trying to keep the truth from you. I tend to be frank and brutally honest with people, and very rarely do I keep the truth from others (very, very rarely). So I guess it is out of a desire to know that I write this post, as I desire to know the truth (and change the nature of this post because I did start writing it in anger and hostility).

Lately I have had a great personal battle with life. Life gets interesting when we don't have big problems, rather when have LOTS of little ones that all start to bog us down after trying to get rid of them. So, after much prayer and studying(and singing), I have some to the conclusion that this IS life. We just need to learn how to deal with it, and part of how I deal with it is reading the scriptures. Alma 34:40-41 and 2 Nephi 2:1-4 help me a TON. I find my strength and direction in the scriptures and in prayer.

I miss my family, but after my "time of rest" at home I understand that they won't change all too much within the next couple years. I love my family and know that I will have them for eternity, and that brings me much comfort.

I only have mere weeks left until I can turn in my papers...weeks. I remember sitting in my bedroom about a year-and-a-half ago thinking this time would never come. Time has gone by much more quickly than I would have liked it to, yet now it is moving so slowly...maybe it's because i'm anticipating something...

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