Sunday, June 21, 2009


As usual this whole "moving on to my new life" process has been causing me to reflect more. So I have a list: a list of attributes I've acquired and been taught, etc. for which I'm grateful.

Writing/Reading: I have Siovhan to thank for giving me a love of words. When I was younger she would write me notes, and she would put emphasis on certain words in the notes. I loved how powerful words were to her, and I envied how they spoke to her. Thank you Siovhan, for everything you do.

Love/Reading: My mother has blessed me with my openness for compassion and charity. Although I fight it sometimes, I actually care about a great number of people. I have a hard time seeing people suffer. I've learned how deep love goes, as my mother has been with me through some of the toughest times in my life (72 hrs full labor anyone?!). My mom loves to read. She reads really quickly and I'm so jealous. She has always told me that all books contain some form of truth and that they have power and knowledge contained in them. Because of her I love to read. Thank you mom, I love you soo much, and I really hope you know that.

Learning/Languages: My dad inspired me to learn. He has always been brilliant and I have always wanted to know more than he knows! Odd, but true. I envied his brain. But because he has always pushed me and wanted me to excel, I have. He also inspired me to pursue my interest in Spanish. Y, por el, he recibido un gran amor para la idoma espanola y para idiomas en general. Thanks daddy, I love and admire you.

Patience: Even though my parents have desperately tried to instill patience in my personality...I have to thank another party for helping me. His name is Brandon. He was a missionary in my ward, and he taught me to slow down and take life as it comes. He was always open to change and new things happening, and I admired that about him. I'm not always as patient as I should be, but because of his example I am more patient. Thanks Brandon (even though you can't read this tehehe).

Perspective: This one is for the Branch fam. Mama Lisa, you always listen to me, and help me to understand that people think differently. You helped me realize that I am very different from other people (in a good way), and I know now that I just have to give people time and allow them to change in ways they come to realize. Emily has taught me to enjoy life, and be brave, to never give up and love everything! Thanks you two!

Everything else: My parents and my Heavenly Father have helped shape me into the person I am today, so they are to blame! Hahaha. Just kidding. I enjoy the love that come to me from all three, and I enjoy the support and strength they are. Thank you. Gracias por todo, mi vida, mi alma, mi todo.

1 comment:

The Howard Bolton Family said...

Good post Braden! I think I deserve some credit for the whole Spanish language thing too, "I think Spanish is going to be more beneficial in your future than Russian...At least you'll be almost able to converse with Dad, because Spanish and Italian are very similar." ;)