Monday, August 25, 2008

Fiends and Friends

Sometimes friends are not friends. Sometimes friends are fiends and they do things that are absolutely malicious. I wonder how children raised by generally good people can be so rude and thoughtless towards others.

If everyone in the world actually listened to each other, without ignoring what they're really saying, what would the world be like?

I would like it if people didn't accept friends like they do car offers, OBO (or better offers). My parents have raised me to treat others with respect and be a man of my word, to follow through with commitments. I it when people break commitments and I also people who don't honor their word, people who aren't honest...people who don't have integrity. I like it when my friends are with me, but when they make plans with others after making plans with me, I generally just say it's OK. Not anymore! I will not let others walk all over me and take advantage of me. I have changed this summer, I'm trying to be more honest about how I feel and what I think.

A good thing did happen today. I fixed my schedule and got to see a lot of my friends at school. That made me happy. But then I got home and discovered that some of my church friends, who must inherently be stupid, treated my brother like a bad offer on a car. They found a better offer of entertainment, so they disregarded his offer. I just wanted to go over there and beat the snot out of them, or ask their parents why their children are so rude.

I wish that other teenage boys could just understand that despite their lack of emotions and feeling, others still have feelings. Some teenage boys, mainly the ones in my ward, are generally emotion retarded, literally. They are slow to understand emotions, and I don't think they
really care. Frankly their immaturity, idiocy, and unorganized natures make me want to vomit sometimes...

Siovhan tells me that someday I will be appreciated by people other than my family. I'm anxiously awaiting that day. She told me that at BYU, you can be yourself all the time and that people are OK with that. I having my "school Braden" and "church Braden". I want my church friends to accept the fact that I like to know things, I like to learn. I want my school friends to know that I love my religion with all my heart and soul, and that I cannot live without being, as they call me, "Mormon Braden". I just wish life wasn't so complicated and that things were easier for me sometimes. I know that I need to go through Hell to get to Heaven, and that hopefully I'll be blessed for all my many trials.


The Howard Bolton Family said...

Remember that there shouldn't be a difference between the church Braden and the school Braden. You should always be the same person.

What infuriates you about the friends thing is that it has happened to you, and you were adversely affected by it. You don't want others to treat those you love the same way. I know, it happened in my family. It isn't easy seeing others' feelings hurt. Make sure that you are never the bearer of the OBO.

Cheri said...

Braden, it's so great to see a teenage guy with not only a conscience but a good heart too. I'm glad you're the good person you are ALL the time and not just at church (or at school). Hang in there - BYU will be in your life before you know it!
And, kickoff is in 4 days - woo hoo!

Adrienne said...

I hope you can find friends as honest and courageous as you are, Braden. And, by the way, you're always welcome to hang out with us old fogies and our 2 adorable girls . . . even if you only come over to play with them :)

JK Waite said...

life will always be full of friends and fiends; the secret is to not let the fiends overpower the desire for good friends! i hope you are enjoying the first of your senior year! what a blast!