Friday, June 20, 2008

Too Fast

So a month has flown by since I last posted. Wow, time seems to really fly by. I will do a recap of my past month so bear with me.
After my last post, I started going to practices for a select band that plays for the main Senior events at the school. I had about two weeks of twice-a-week practice and then we had to play at the never-ending Senior Awards night. The program was in total approximately 2 hours long! Just for awards and scholarships that only a handful of people really got, mainly the Valedictorian).
Then there was graduation. Graduation was June 1st, and it was wonderful. The speeches were not all clichéd and full of nostalgia like the past four years worth of speeches, but they were filled with hope and energy. Hope and energy about the future. The graduating class didn't (and i doubt they do now) know what the future really has in store for them. The ceremony was outside this year, the first year in six (as stated by Mr. Brucato).
I had finals. Well that's just it, I had two. One in my Spanish 5 class, and one in my Anatomy and Physiology class. The other days were either days where I didn't have to come into school, half days, of days filled with study classes (to prepare for the "difficult" finals.
It is now summer. I have been called to be the "Quorum Mission Leader" and part of the Priest Quorum Presidency. I am in charge of the helping the Priests in the ward to get out and help do missionary work. I am on-call with the missionaries, seeing as I have no job, and I go whenever they need me. I have only been called once with week, but I hope that I will be called more often (it's actually rather fun).
I am getting my Duty to God Award in sacrament meeting on Sunday and am giving a talk about my experience in the program as a result. I have been waiting to actually receive the award for about two or three weeks now and I am happy that I don't have to wait any longer. I am going to wait to receive my Eagle award (I am an Eagle scout, but I have not had the ceremony yet) until the end of summer so that my family can come and see me get the award.
That is the best recap that I can do right now, it's late and have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow. -B

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